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How to gain community confidence with healthy financial statements

By 1 June 2022June 2nd, 2022No Comments
How to gain community confidence with healthy financial statements

The smooth running of a municipality has a significant impact on people’s lives. No matter how big or how small the area is, those potholes need to be filled, electricity and water supply should be consistent and the village, town or city should be clean.

Improved municipal services supports economic growth

In our opinion, if CFO’s and Municipal Managers have sound financial planning and a solid foundation in place and if its citizens benefit from a well-run municipality, they will get the community’s vote of confidence when it counts. Improved municipal services supports economic growth.

The InzaloEMS system can be regarded as a market leader when it comes to analysing municipal information. It is an integrated financial system that incorporates all the different modules into one single database so that the municipality always has a single view of the true figures. InzaloEMS has invested time, money and effort to custom-build a programme with National Treasury reforms in mind as the foundation of the system.  We simplified the rules and incorporated all fifteen National Treasury regulations for streamlined audited financial statements.

InzaloEMS has invested time, money and effort to custom-build a programme with National Treasury reforms in mind as the foundation of the system

The Mnquma Municipality in the Eastern Cape turned their finances around and received an Unqualified Audit in the last financial year. CFO Mzusekho Matomane said, “InzaloEMS’s prompt responses to issues and the effectiveness of their system, staff training and skills transfer contributed to this exceptional outcome.”

Every municipality aspires to a Clean Audit from the Auditor-General. We have made it simple and much easier for municipalities to comply with mSCOA. The recipients of good planning in a well-run municipality are your voters. They will trust you to handle their taxes correctly for everyone’s benefit.

The recipients of good planning in a well-run municipality are your voters

Radiile Shuping, CFO of the Thembelihle Municipality in the Northern Cape said, “After bringing InzaloEMS on board in 2020, there is finally stability in the Finance Department. It is not that difficult to achieve a good audit opinion if there are financial controls in place and they are monitored.”

We never rest on our laurels. Our dedicated and passionate team of experts with several years’ experience servicing the public sector, has developed a new tool that extends our offering and caters for the needs of clients while also meeting the requirements as per the MFMA Circulars issued by National Treasury.  The new Business Intelligence model will assist the key decision-makers in the municipality with software that facilitates decision making based on real-time information.  Not only will it serve as an early-warning system but will also improve service delivery as issues will be identified before something is about to happen.  This tool will soon be launched with added functionalities that are currently in development. It is flexible and can be rolled out in any environment.

The new Business Intelligence model will assist the key decision-makers in the municipality with software that facilitates decision making based on real-time information

InzaloEMS’ system is revolutionary and technologically advanced catering for all the needs of municipal finances.  It is fully integrated, workflow driven and built on well-defined business processes with no third-party involvement. This saves considerable money which would normally be spent on complex third-party integrations.

When two-thirds of South African municipalities are in distress and their very existence is at risk, those using the InzaloEMS systems have come through their audits with flying colours.

We at Inzalo believe that we have an innovative unique solution for local governments. InzaloEMS is the future of municipal financial systems which supports unqualified audit opinions.

Find out more about our one-stop solutions here.

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